Friday, January 11, 2013


I have a friend who volunteers at a soup kitchen for the homeless every weekend. She told me about a time when she had a handful of socks her hubby didn't want anymore so she took them to the soup kitchen and the men swooped them up like they were gold she said. My heart quickly grew heavy with the simple things we take for granted each day, like warm socks. The idea of a sock drive seemed only right. Within the first 48 hours of letting friends know what I was doing I had 125 pairs of socks donated. I have many, many friends with good and giving hearts. Just a pack a socks for $5 made such a difference. By the end of our drive we had 485 pairs of socks.  Thank you to all those who helped warm a strangers feet this winter.
When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Mosiah 2:17
One gentleman said "My feet smell and look like death itself, thank-you"
I can't imagine the condition of these sweet souls on the streets. It brings tears to my eyes trying to imagine the long days and nights trying to pass the time keeping warm and finding food to eat.

This is where many call home. They were so kind and so grateful for the socks. People who just had more than their share of bad luck. One lady offered Miss India "a cookie" which she politely declined (she said it looks like an old apple from the garbage can). They treated us like guests in their home, trying to be hospitable and friendly. Making light conversation. Most of the socks we handed out to the homeless on the street. We had about 5 garbage bags full. We had 1 more bag and donated it to the homeless shelter.

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